As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Choir Party 2010

I ran the same six miles that I ran yesterday, except today I ran it with Liz and Avery. Yesterday took 39 minutes. Today, 48 minutes. I enjoyed today's run much more. It was somewhat of an obstacle course. We had to step lightly on the icy sidewalks so we wouldn't slip. We leaped over piles of snow blocking our chosen course. We made detours around puddles and snowdrifts as tall ourselves. We ran in the shoulder of very busy roads (not our best idea...) and survived. We also saw a car crash right in front of us. We were running down Wantagh Ave. and a car was trying to pull out and go left (northbound). Cars were coming from both directions at the time. The driver only looked to his right before pulling out and did not notice the car coming at him in the southbound lane. He pulled out and the other car struck his near the driver's side door. The sound of shattering glass and crunching metal filled the air. We were unsure of what to do. This had happened only about 40 feet in front of us. The moment it happened, Avery dove to the side, into a pile of snow, just in case the car continued and veered off of the road to hit us. The car that was going southbound pulled around to the northbound lane and we didn't really see what happened after that. Liz said we should keep running and no one objected to that. As we ran past the car that was trying to pull out, I peeked inside and saw that the drive was okay. He was looking around to see if the other driver was hurt. I'm sure that the other driver was fine because no matter how much I exaggerated in the previous words, it really wasn't a bad accident. The rest of our run was uneventful.

I sat around for most all of the rest of the day until 7:00. The choir Christmas party was at the Woods' house. Me, Julie, and Elizabeth spent the beginning part of the party in Elizabeth's room looking at all of her cool instruments. She has a djembe, a piano, a few guitars, a flute, some horn thing that they use in the Survivor theme song, and her newest addition: a pocket trumpet. It was so tiny! It's just a trumpet that is condensed to pocket size (but only if you have really big pockets). We also listened to Elizabeth's original song, It Must Be Summertime. She also recorded herself singing all of the parts to Mary, Did You Know?. Even the bass part in the proper octave! Then we had some delicious food and played Rock Band in Chris' room. This is a picture of the teen choir plus a few more.

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