Chris M

By chrism


Have YOU got the love at this time of peace and giving to allow a small stranger into your heart and home this Christmas?

Rudolph is suffering from polonium 210 noseglow

Santa is clinically obese and in rehab.

The turkey is completely stuffed

Isn't it time to regain the spirit of Christmas?

Now YOU can.

Wipe away that tear for fond memories of Chistmas past.

With YOUR help, Christmas will be made whole and well again.

Just lay an extra place at the Christmas dinner table this year

and adopt a lonely wee stranger for the day.

Don't let this tiny stranger spend another night under the freezing uncaring stars.

Don't allow your heart to be as cold as the night air that this poor wee thing must endure.

If YOU feel able to take this generous step -and I know YOU do!

Adopt a sprout for Christmas

just email

and a humbly grateful sprout will know that a place in the warm - the true warm - awaits at Christmas.


So Much

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