Wondrous things

Firstly, Carlos would like to thank you for your comments about his blip yesterday.

Today has been day two of 'sort the office out'. I never seem to be able to get through any sort of holiday from school without there being some sort of project to do - usually because I have reached breaking point with the organisation of a room in the house. This holiday it was the office. It was a Feng Shui nightmare.

Thanks to some cupboards from IKEA and lots of hard work from my lovely husband, the office is now properly organised, with sensible shelving for printers and other miscellaneous equipment. Everything else is packed tidily away in cupboards and there is NO SPARE WORKSURFACE. Just what I need to work. Spare worksurface is a bad thing - it leads to stuff being left on it to pile up. Which eventually tips me over the edge. The most significant thing though, is that the sort out and rearrange has meant that there is now enough room in the office to comfortably house my easel, which means that I might be more inclined to paint more often given that all of the gear is set up and ready to go. I hope I can manage it - it does make me feel better when I paint.

As a treat, I went to TESCO to do my shopping. I kid you not - Tesco is a treat compared to our local supermarket. I like an occasional visit to other supermarkets because I find WONDROUS THINGS. Like Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

The most wondrous of wondrous things tonight though was finding a bottle of Barr's original Dandelion and Burdock, in a proper Barr's ridged bottle. The only thing that's missing is the "return the bottle for 10p back" deposit thingy.

The only thing that could have made this evening of wondrous things better would have been to find a bottle of Barr's American Cream Soda - the original stuff, that was bright green.

Happy memories of friday night chip-shop treats. Yum yum.

I am off to gorge myself on sugary badness.

The diet and exercise starts on Tuesday!

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