Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Beautiful scent

My wonderful husband and daughters got me the gift of perfume for Christmas this year. I haven't worn perfume in years. I was prompted to pick my personal scent after a wonderful article written by my friend Clare:

A week or so later, one of my grandmother's friends, who has become our dear friend as well, came in to town to go shopping with my mom and I. My grandmother died several years ago. Anyway, when she got in the car, she was wearing the same perfume that my grandmother used to wear and I nearly burst into tears at all of the memories that just the smell of that perfume brought back. Scent is such a powerful thing.

Now, I have picked mine and I love it!! Zoe happened to help me pick it out when we were shopping when I pointed out the Chanel counter when we were out Christmas shopping. Zoe is obsessed with Coco Chanel. She has done a research paper on her and even dressed up as her for Halloween this year! Zoe and I tried all the Chanel perfumes and we both agreed that this was the best one.

I have been wearing it for a several days now. I find myself smelling my wrist when I am stressed or need to gather myself. Almost like Mary Katherine Gallagher from that SNL skit, but I assure you it is a very different scent and a much more graceful place to smell. ;)

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