
14 months 8 days

Thankfully, today it is the snowman that is Chilly, not our house! This is Katie's new friend, bought for her by her aunt. Katie spent most of December begging for one of these every time we went to the supermarket, where they had cunningly lined them along the shelves, checkouts, aisle ends to make small children beg. I had said no all season, but when he was half price, her aunt decided he should be bought. And Katie very much agreed!! So today, she has wandered round carrying Monkey, Baba and "o-man" all at once. She brought me Chilly, which she sometimes does with her toys for me to cuddle, so I did, only she didn't mean that this time - she wanted a group hug!

We had a totally wonderful morning. There's no swimming lessons on but the girls' teacher had said if we wanted to go, she'd come and do a lesson for Katie and Ava. They had a FANTASTIC time. Katie was absolutely mental, Ava was super happy, it was brilliant. Although both girls were initially a bit confused why Sarah was in the water today, not on the side. They were so pleased to see each other too, Katie went mad (even more mad) when she saw Ava getting in. Katie's really desperate to swim on her own. She did a tiny bit of floating all on her own, going back and forwards between me and Sarah, and when she was playing on the steps, she kept kicking her legs like she does when she has the swimdiscs on. And my word was she off when she had them on. Bless her, there's no convincing her that she can't swim yet. As for Ava, she was blowing proper good bubbles- after months of razzer-pracitise, she's well prepared! Super good fun had by all.

Katie had a good sleep after troughing a big sandwich, crackers and raisins for lunch. We had a really nice visit from my friends Vicki and Stuart, Katie was on good form, performing away, running around at full speed, and being rather charming. She's eaten well this afternoon and for her tea, so here's hoping we have another good night (she was only up once last night, which I'll accept!)

I don't normally link to other pages but check out Little Blue in the paper!

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