Early morning mist and two collared doves canoodling on a TV aerial, blue sky and a burst of sunshine at lunchtime ... and what was I doing? Was I out there taking interesting photos in the sun, NO, I was in here doing avoidance! Like reading other peoples Blips and a few more chapters of `The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest' (I've finally got to the action), so that I could put off the moment when I had to sort out outstanding paperwork, things like completing my tax return! Well I finally sorted through most of the papers. I wish I could make sense of some of the things my bank is telling me (you know the one that's been sending customer statements to the wrong people) following its amalgamation with my old bank.
I went out to take photos of the opium poppy seed-heads, which I love and which tend to be a standby, though I don't think I've ever used them as a blip. Then I headed out for a short walk down the lane, by which time the day was cold and shrouded in thick mist.
Finally I put off choosing which photo to use for today's blip for as long as I could. None of them are brilliant. I like the photo of the collared doves, but the light was fairly poor and they were quite a long way away, so there is a lot of `noise' on the image. I also like the atmospheric shot of the trees in the mist, which has echoes of yesterdays blip, but is much starker. Time to choose!
Down the lane - trees in the mist >>>
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