My Aim is True


Hanging on

Braved the toon today. Need to get some of these vouchers spent. However after about 30 minutes of walking around over heated shops I gave up. Had a coffee and then went to Waterstones's to buy some books and a number 122. LOvely.

Accessed some work voicemails today. Including a message left by an associate wanting to know when I would next be at work, as she had a gift for me. However once she'd left the message she forgot to hang up, so I heard her tell the other person in her room with what it was she'd bought me, where it was from and how much of a bargain it was. Oh and she kept repeating that it was worth it to keep me "sweet". Interesting......

And what else did I learn today? Don't put your white M&S thermals in the washing machine with your black trousers.

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