An Alleyway in Dominica

It's Monday 27th, so it must be Dominica, a small island and the youngest of the Lesser Antilles. It's still being formed by volcanic activity and has the world's second largest boiling lake. it is pronounced Domin-ica, with the emphasis on the 3rd syllable.

To date, it is our favourite island. Its colourful houses are a tribute to the French influence and it has a wonderful natural beauty with high mountains and lush greenery.

His Lordship and I chose to go on the thermal relaxation trip this morning to a series of geothermal pools of varying hotness. The trip with a short walk up very uneven rocky ground and a narrow bridge crossing, high up over a river, certainly separated the sheep from the goats, so that there were only 12 fairly fit people on the trip.

But first of all some of us elected to swim up a gorge into a cave of crystal clear water fed by a waterfall. Notably it was mainly women that volunteered, the men were too wimpish to get cold.
And then it was onward to the hot pool and a lovely soak in the waters,

Back on the ship, before we walked into town, we paid our first visit to the buffet which runs all day on the deck next to the lobster tan area where people sun bathe all day and either go a bright shade of red, not a good look, or else become like tanned leather.
We have studiously avoided this place because of the temptation of eating far too much, but we succumbed today and of course regretfully ate too much.

A walk in 30 degrees from the ship into town afforded many colourful blips, but the one I was advised to post is not at all colourful, and is shot down an alleyway where men seemed to be drinking and playing cards. His Lordship tells me it is atmospheric. I bow before his artistic judgement.

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