Family of three.

By livingbythesea

Ahoy me mates!!!

We have spent the whole day at home today, Erin crawled into my bed this morning and she and I stayed there until nearly 10am both not feeling well. I am still trying to shift this flu/cold that has plauged me all over Christmas and Erin has had a high temp all day. At one point it hit 40 but was brought down to 38.9 with calpol etc. Her cheeks have been bright red and she has complained of her ears hurting. She was slightly sick in the night but I think that was unrelated as she hasn't been since. If she is still like it tomorrow than I will take her up to the doctors. Jack seems fine at the moment although his nose started to stream this afternoon so may be getting the lurgy too!! This is him in his pirates outfit that he got from Aunty Jayne for Christmas, he has put it on everyday and adores it.
Darren back to work tomorrow and we are going to toddlers so a bit of normality back into our lives for a few days before nye arrives.

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