Life is there for living.

By Jumumford

Goals all set for 2011!

I always sit down and write my goals for the year on my laptop, but this year I am using Noel Edmonds Cosmic Ordering iPad app :-). I did use this app last year on my iPhone but had a back up on the PC for safe measures.

Some of my goals are very private but you have the option to "share" your goal with the universe (online for others to see), which is what I have done with some of them.

As most of you know I am a big believer in the Law of Attraction. You make your own luck in this world... No-one else is gonna do it for you.

A great way to start the new year.

First goal... Give up alcohol from 8th Jan - 1st March. Easy peasey. I will post other goals as we go along. (23 goals set tonight for 2011!)

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