All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

To infinity and beyond!

Oh dear. What an awful night we had with Ethan. He was crying so much late evening in his cot that he ended up in our bed around midnight. He was really not a well boy and hardly slept all night. Just cat-napped but only with his arms flung right around me, clinging on for dear life.

When we got up in the morning, he did seem to be a wee bit better than yesterday. But as the day went on he was clearly still out of sorts. He hardly ate anything all day and spent most of the day either sleeping on myself or Grannie or just being cuddled. He has also been pulling at his ears a lot or had his fingers in his mouth so I do think tooth number 8 is the culprit and that it will be putting in an appearance soon. Teething sure has a lot to answer for!

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