
By 42

Fly me to the moon

Left Mrs42 in town today after we got the last of the xmas shopping (Tesco last night not tooo bad) and lunch in Broughton Street. I was spoiled on the way home, with a beautiful sunset behind the Broxburn Viaduct and then the almost full moon. I took the lazy route (camera not with me, tsk tsk) and took this from our balcony. So I didn't have to go out again in the cold.

While I was in town I popped into Joe's exhibition on Fort Street. Although Joe wasn't there ... I got one of his blip cards!

Now Christmas chores to get on with...

Edit - forgot to say thanks to everyone who's been following my blips - just ticked over the 30,000 mark. Thanks!

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LOTD: Poppy's peaceful Orkney sunrise is great - the sky goes on for ever. And she seems to have stolen my seagulls!

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