Everyday Memoirs

By ShutterBug

The Forever Tree..

I have stood a thousand years
And everything i see
Indeed i am eternal
I am the forever tree

I have seen the change of man
And things they do & say
I have watched as man fought wars
And watched their children play

Once a forest i was part
Like a blanket that covered the ground
But now does stand the forever tree
The only tree around

Now houses stand where once stood trees
And factories & buildings so tall
And i will outlast them all

For storms & floods have i survived
And the wars of man
So solid & strong have i become
The forever tree I am

I feel an axe bite my side
My trunk it is so sore
Man has decided to cut me down
"I'm the forever tree" , i rear

Again & again i feel the axe
Deep in my side the pain
Why is it man must cut me down
For what have they gain?

Who will watch them when i'm gone?
Not me, for man's made sure
And with a crash the last tree falls
The Forever Tree --- no more....

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