Gable Erratic

By MsGable


With Christmas dinner out of the way yesterday, I declared an official sick day at long last and just indulged. With a new Wasgij puzzle and a box of Maltesers, thank you HellonWheels. I have just spent a wonderfully relaxing afternoon, occasionally glancing out at the cold, cold snow, and thankful that I am indoors where I can cough and wheeze in the warmth.

And now I am about to indulge some more, with one of my favourite seasonal meals. Cold chicken, (we never have a turkey as it is wickedly wasteful for just 2 plus cat) cold ham, cold sausages, mashed potato with a nice lump of butter on top, chutney, piccalilli, a pickled onion if it doesn't start me coughing, beetroot, coleslaw, and a bit of salad for a Brownie point. But last and certainly not least, the piece de resistance, Foresight Pease Pudding. The highlight of my Christmas! I remember one very, very bad year when I could not find a tin in the shops, so I now buy two as a backup.

And G does not like it so I don't have to share. Well, actually G has never tried it because he doesn't like the look of it, but that's his loss.

By the way, the 2 Swans and Cygnet rescued on Friday have stayed free of the ice in the river and are being fed like troopers by the village. Perhaps we should write to the Queen to keep her informed.

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