Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


Except for the fact that I've come this far... 100 blips... (Slight smug dance!)
I would not be sitting in McDonalds as Boxing Day evening approaches!
I'm taking advantage of the free wi-fi here. And looking at a (albeit low-fat) blueberry muffin, and wondering whether there's room...
...There isn't!

I'm not alone in here. There are a few Dads and children here too. (I'm kind of hoping their Mum is having a lie down, rather than the more sad option). But they're eating 'Happy Meals', so it can't be sad, can it?
Christmas eh? Not necessarily the happiest time for everyone.

This image was the cream of quite a hastily snapped crop today.

Happy left-overs everyone!

The best bit!

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