Master Mariner

By MasterMariner

Hazy Shade of Winter

Although it is a prettty hot winterday as you might see on this picture.
No wind and the hot air prevented my camera from focussing properly to get a sharp picture. It is the hazy effect that shows the heat.

With the sea flat calm and nowhere to escape from the burning sun, it is easy to imagine why seafarers from the past choose the route via Australia to reach the Far East from Europe.
Nowadays this route is not a route anymore, it is a sort of maritime highway with container vessels hurrying to dump cheap Chinese stuff all over the world and return as many empty containers as possible back to China and the Far East. With freight rates so low that only companies with more than hundred super-seized vessels can survive.
Clients want cheap and inferior presents for their children with Christmas?, these vessels will bring them, against rock bottom rates.

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