
By bluesheep

the earliest sunset of the year

EDIT: the other shot of me was OK, but I actually finished work BEFORE it was completely dark out for the first time in a long time and just barely got out for the tail-end of the sunset. I liked this new one better. much nicer to have an outdoor blip, than one of me stuck inside all day. and it has a great romantic feel to it.

Here's the first image I posted so you can make sense of the first few comments. and I'll leave the text I wrote as well.


I just liked the what to do...

It's damn hard to frame a self portrait when you and your tripod are already struggling for space in the cramped shower.

This was actually mistake, but I liked it much better than any where my face was in view as I initially intended.

Last work day before the Holidays. Thank you Jesus!


the lens works!
the kiss

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