
By dogwithnobrain

You've Got to Feel You Are On Solid Ground

My waters broke on the 29th July.

I was so excited because Nothing happened when I was pregnant with Boy. I went to 10 months before they induced me, and they had to induce me twice! I don't think he really wanted to come out.

But with Toolibelle, waters broke! I was so excited.

We headed to hospital, and waited for the pains to start. Nothing.

They looked at me all night and said "If nothing happens by 12 noon tomorrow, we will start you".

At 1130 they came and got me, (probably to stop me running up and down the corridor as I had been), and started to wire me up. Just as they were about to stick the needle in my arm, at almost 12 noon, my body was gripped by the most god almighty pain.

"We haven't even started!" the nurse said, shaking her head.

"No, but I have", I replied before yowling again.

They poo' poo'd me and connected me up anyway.

The pain was immense immediately and every 2 minutes.

At One thirty I said to the nurse, "I give in, please can I have painkillers".

She said, "it's going to be ages, you weren't even dilated when I checked before we started you, I'm going for my lunch, if it's that bad, we'll give you a shot of diamorphine to tide you over for a while".

At two oclock, another nurse dropped by, and said "you were looking for diamorphine".

"Yes, I said, "But I think the baby is coming".

"Don't be daft", she said, "You weren't even dilated 2 hours ago, I'll just go and get the injection".

She came back, stuck the needle in my leg, and then lifted my buttock, and said,

"Oh my god, it's crowning".

I could have screamed with relief!

I turned over on to my back, the delivery nurse came in, I pushed, I panted, I pushed, and watched at this little pair of pink buttocks came bouncing into the world! Well held nurse!

Then the morphine kicked in! And that.... is what you see here! Very Doped up new Mother!.

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