
By middleman


A considerably calm and leisurely day, just the four of us. No pressures, no stresses. The kitty-themed crackers each came with a Cat Fact!

Aided throughout the day with some tunes to aid the pre-cooking, the cooking and the post-cooking ie washing up music. Last year I had a 3CD box set that I got most of the way through whilst doing this, today it just took a single run through of Galaxie 500's classic On Fire album. As they say in the liner notes - 'come ride the fiery breeze !'

+ obligatory Christmas song of choice. I see etherghost has summat similar, but I've plumped for this particular Danish delight.

Hope everyone had a good day, tired out here but determined to get through that DVD of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert that never quite made it into the machine last night.

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