All At Sea on Christmas Day

A Happy Christmas to you all from somewhere off the Windward Islands in the Caribbean!

We've finally dried out after our very wet visit to St Lucia and the ship is now sailing slowly to Barbados.

We believe that Santa has already boarded the ship via the funnel and is about to make his entrance to the lobby soon.

I don't expect much from the Caribbean Santa, although the home grown one has wrong footed me this year by giving me a gold locket after swearing that the cruise was present enough to each other and absolutely no other gifts would be exchanged. So, true to our words,I gave him nothing........ oh dear!
I must say he was very brave about it and not one tear was shed at the non giving.

We have phoned and exchanged greetings with as many of the family as answered their phones, so now we can relax for the rest of the action packed day.
We have the Captain's maritime service, followed by the arrival of Santa Claus, followed by the Queen's Speech, a film, a carol party and finally a concert this evening. There are of course a million other things to do if we wanted to, but we don't.......... well maybe we'll eat a Christmas dinner, all cooked and served without my having to lift a finger.

And so I hope you all have/had a good day.

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