Feta Salad
Some moments I am in the Christmas spirit, other times I'm not. Sitting here, at the moment, it doesn't feel like Christmas. I am not watching a Christmas movie, or a carol service from a church in the country, I'm watching Law and Order, Special Vistims Unit, and have just finished eating an unseasonal feta salad with crusty bread.
Tomorrow, I will be in the kitchen for most of the morning, preparing the big meal of turkey with all the trummings. My brother will bring the ham and trifle. I have a fridge full of all the bits and pieces that accompany the turkey. Will eat too much, but will enjoy having family, especially Cameron and our new addition Ben, all round the table. Little children are what makes Christmas special,
Three close family members will be missing at the meal, One through death, another to be at a the last Christmas of a maternal aunt, and the last, who has chosen to be with friends, rather than family this year.
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