Gable Erratic

By MsGable


This is the River Aire, almost frozen across its width. The stepping stones are unrecognisable under a great swathe of ice; and decorating this slab, and all along the frozen edges, are these gorgeous baubles.

Beautiful though it may be, it trapped a family of two Mute Swans and their teenage Cygnet, their feathers frozen into the ice, where they had struggled since last night but could not get free. Attempts were made to break the ice around them but rescue finally came this afternoon by way of the RSPCA who got them free and ushered them up the river a bit. They will be fattened up by the many villagers who have come out with food to sustain them while they were stuck fast, and hopefully the temperature will not drop so low for that to happen again. Poor things must have been terrified.

Back-blipped as the cough/cold got me.

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