Journey Through Time

By Sue

Meet the Girls

About 5 miles from my home is the egg lady's place. She and her husband have acreage and she stays home and works the small farm that they have. She sells a bit of produce when it's in season, and she tends to bee hives and sells honey, and they have some nice chickens so that she can sell eggs. They have two dogs, one of whom has already been blipped by me on here earlier. It's always kind of fun to visit her little farm. The weather has been mild and the girls are still doing pretty good laying eggs, so I got two dozen. One for me and one for my aunt. And I got some of the honey, too. I found out this past year that people need to eat local, raw honey, especially if you have allergies, because it will help you build up a resistance to your local pollen. I don't have that problem and I can't eat much honey since I'm diabetic, but I like to have it on hand anyway. When my hubby had the virus that's making the rounds, I fixed him green tea with honey and lemon and that helped make his throat feel so much better.

These are some of the girls, having their lunch. I love listening to them as they peck and cluck along. It's almost soothing.

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