Tree Man

Tired oh so tired this morning so Juno walking delegated.

It was warmer this morning on the way to work.

Work was a jamboree of joyousness.

More dynamic code building almost all complete.

Popped out with tractor photos for some green tea, had a wee chat with the saxaphonist Lotus.

Home early as we had some friends up for a chat and light food.

This William McGhee the chairman of Borders forest Trust. We got to know each other as our boys played football together at primary school.

It turns out that his wife and Eco mum were in Simpsons maternity ward together as their son was born 3 days after ours and they both share the same name, how bizarre.

Anyway we had an eventful time taking the boys football at the primary school but managed to keep it going for the boys. I am a life member of Borders Forest Trust part of the reward is logs to burn at Christmas and some venison(unless it is a pal thing).
In exchange for the chat and help over the year home preserves were sent round to him in exchange.

We will share a festive walk and change the world(briefly of course).

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