Trying to Be Human

By heathergallay


So, my father sent me an early Christmas present -- a Tiffen 67mm close-up lens set -- and I wanted to test it out. My camera takes 58mm lenses, so I had to get a 58-67mm step-up ring, which arrived today. Yay!

This shot was taken with all three lenses (+1/+2/+4) stacked on the end of my zoom, and I've gotta tell you -- I'm reaaaally impressed. It may not be true macro, but it's a pretty good facsimile.

I was very, very close to the subject here -- my lens was practically touching, and this was hand held with no flash -- and it still managed to get a very sharp image. (We'll pretend we don't see the dust, right? K, thanks.)

Have I mentioned that I really miss Photoshop, though? Now I'm doing my post-processing in Picassa or Picnik. Blah. :(

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