I think it will!

Be open by Christmas that is.

This morning it had gone from upright to horizontal and by the evening it was starting to open and the other bud had gone to horizontal. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

It was supposed to snow tonight but I hope it doesn't as we have a friend travelling tomorrow. At present it doesn't look as if it will snow as it seems to be a clear sky. Mind you it was clear last night and we still had a sprinkling on the car this morning.

All I have left to do is pick up the turkey tomorrow from the local butcher and remember to take out the stuffing etc from the freezer. Unfortunately the fridge is full so not sure where I am going to put everything that needs to be cool and away from cats. I can't leave it in the garage because it woudn't thaw out. I guess the cold conservatory is going to be the best place - with doors firmly shut!

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