
By Amalarian

ROMAN LIGHTS -- Artefact Series, No. 1

These are Roman lamps, real ones. You can see where thumbs wore away the stone and terracotta at one end. I wish I knew whose thumbs they were.

They're very hard to keep lit. Romans must have been better at it than I am. They are filled with olive oil, a taper is stuck in and there you go.

I wanted to photograph them in the dark, the shapes shown only by the light of the flame. That didn't work, did it? I couldn't focus. Indeed, the black one of these is right out of focus but you can see the different shape and material. One Roman lamp in focus is better than none.
This was taken at the Christmas market shortly after it opened. It's not a self portrait and it's not my camera. It was meant for someone else but blippers sussed it out when they looked at Favio, the techie. I didn't know I had dark circles under my eyes. The camera sees what the eyes do not. Herself.

It's another dreich day and bucketing with rain here in sunny Tuscany.

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