My favorite team sport

That massive boomerang in the distance is the 'thing' that tops our brand new baseball stadium; that all the floodlights are attached to. How's that for technical?

For years we would go to games in the old, decrepit Metrodome where the canvas roof just caved in because of the snow, and I had fun even then. This marvel of engineering was completed in April and I imagine it's like a mini-city with its own economy, employing thousands of people, especially when there's a game going on.

As a non-fan of most professional sport, I am mostly appalled by the thuggery displayed by a lot of its overpaid players. They've practically achieved rock star status, are put up on pedestals and then, when it's discovered that one of them beats his wife, cheats on his wife, takes drugs and steroids or ran a dog fighting ring, people are sooo shocked to find out that their perfect heroes are flawed.

In baseball there's no malicious body contact and gratuitous celebrating when a man goes down like in football, no horrible, constantly squeaky sneakers and profuse man-sweat like in basketball, no body slams and movement so fast that half the time you can't follow the action like in hockey. Sure, it's had its share of scandalous romeos, gigolos and steroid abusers but the game itself so much more civilized. Importantly, the uniforms are sufficiently tight fitting so one can appreciate the athleticism of the players.

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