LL Cool Jim

By LLCoolJim


Away from work early to catch the nursery Christmas concert.

In each song different kids had different roles to play. Jacob was Rudolph in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. They did Jingle Bells, Away in a Manger, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Santa Claus Got Stuck Up the Chimney and one about buying Christmas Pudding??

In Away in the Manger they brought out the wee cot and the Jesus doll was black. Ah well, sign o' the times - Santa's gotta wear a seatbelt these days. They'll be dubbing over The Pogues lyrics to Fairytale of New York on Radio 1 next.......

......Ehh, what's that you say?

Merry Secularmas everyone.

Follow up to this tale from Sunday. I was saving it cos the sensationalness of Sunday had to stand alone.

It made the Evening News today with that same picture (although nothing to do with me). I cannae believe nobody mentioned the connection with the former landlord of the place to him (it was only the young team in though, I s'pose).

This is all 100% gospel by ra way (he says gobbing on the floor).

I didn't actually get to hang out with Ricky Hatton the Saturday night before the morning-after-photo. I was at home sleeping and was a bit gutted at not having sat for an audience with him over a few pints of Guinness.
But later on in the late afternoon of the Sunday I was coming outta Leith Waterworld with the wee man and I was wearing my big furry Russian hat. I heard a gruff voice behind me say "I could dae wi a shot ee' that hat".
I'm thinking 'Oh no, surely no when I'm with the wee fella'.
I turn around and it's Ken Buchanan! with his wife (I guess).

Jeez, talk about losing a pound and finding a penny!

Right away I'm like, "Ken Buchanan! How you doin? Always an honour" and shake the gold-heavy hand/wrist he sticks out from his sharp-suit.

He's a bit pished (she's not) and he's got one front tooth missing but I carry on,
"You'll never guess who was staying in your old joint last night - only Ricky Hatton."

KB "No way!"

LL "Aye, and he was in a worse nick than you at 5 o'clock this morning running aboot with the bloody hoover."

KB "Och - that's brilliant. You hear that, hen, he says that....."

Hen "Aye, I heard him"

KB "Good on you son. Take care. You too wee man. Love that hat."

And off he stoats with his lady into the "big-Scotmid".


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