
By mattleach

Shepherds Delight!

Predictable blip I admit, along with the other 1000's of icicles already posted(Hey at least it's not the moon?)! I felt I wanted to record them as they are one of the phenomenons of this crazy winter were having! There are some real monsters on our house, nearly up to a meter long. I'm getting worried that they may bring the guttering down! I would of liked to have got a pic of one the big ones but they are all in crap places? I love them though? I think they look great, like natural Xmas decorations! (Probably won't be so keen if they cause any damage!)

This shot caught my eye of all the ones I took as I got a glimpse of the red sky behind. Is this a sign the thaws coming? I hope so because I can't take Lucy's constant worrying that Christmas dinner won't happen with the in laws!

It's been funny today watching cars and vans get stuck outside. Do these people HAVE to go out?

Lucy even had to help a man push his car when she was out walking the dog, bless her. It was down a really small side street with about 10" of snow on the ground. Lucy gave up when he said, "I knew I shouldn't of bothered coming out to get the newspaper". How do these people exist??

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