
By heraldino

Spiritum IV

Bad Saddening, upsetting news: - What did I ever do to them?

Comprehension escapes me when it comes to why a terrorist organization would want to poison civilians. I have personally never been the cause of their woes, in fact, I somewhat understand why they view America as a capitalist, morally corrupt demon. (Thank you Jerry Springer and the rest of the crap on TV and a special thank you to the warmongering of previous administrations)
Their goal must not be to convince us that their religion is the best and most important of all the ones on earth, because this kind of irrational, psycho behavior has the opposite effect on most people, who tend to judge a religion by their extremists.

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Good Small-step-in-a-big-war news: - A delicacy?

To cut back on the cruel practice of catching sharks, cutting off their fins and dumping them back in the ocean to bleed to death while helplessly sinking to the bottom, a law was passed today. It states that shark ships can not be carrying the fins without the carcasses of the shark as well. Sounds great but how will they enforce that without an army of patrol boats in the Pacific? I have a better idea. How about someone convinces all the idiots in China who eat shark fin soup that it can't cure cancer or osteoarthritis and that its high mercury content will, in fact, render a male sterile if its consumed in large quantities?

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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