Present Tense

By presenttense

Photographers Assistant

I'm counting down to 365 with 9 more to go so I wanted to pay homage to my Favorite Boy Joe who has accompanied me most days that I've gone out to take a picture. When he's not patiently, happily waiting for me, or holding something for me he's always ready with a pose when the camera turns his way - so, here's to my boy, Joe.

Every time I've asked him if he wants to go with me to take a picture he smiles and acts like it's the best invitation he's ever had.

I was working in snow removal today so I didn't get to play with bokeh shapes. I began with our heavy-duty snowblower but the snow was really wet and heavy. I finally had to declare defeat and use the shovel. I did that for 3 hours (didn't actually finish - just made it so we could drive up the driveway) until I could feel my back rebelling. My husbands back went out long ago (got to love 'em) so that's not an option. Then I had to take a nap...maybe tomorrow.

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