
By Chaos

Dark and Cold

Alaska is living up to it's reputation today.

It is dark and cold. Of course it should be dark. We are approaching the shortest day here soon. And of course, it should be cold. It is Alaska, doh!

It's about -6 degrees F/ -21 degrees C.

There was an earthquake tonight near the Aleutian Islands of Alaska that scored 7.1 on the richter scale that created a tsunami warning... no tsunami, however.

The Aurora Borealis Forecast for today is moderate. I did a 10:30 PM, 4:00 AM and 5:00 AM check, nothing visible from Anchorage. It may be that I need to be farther north for the moderate activity to be seen. I talked to scintilla about this. Maybe he can see the aurora better in the Mat-Su Valley.

I'm keeping an eye on the northern skies for you! I hope something will happen!

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