Ice On The Roof

It was another cold night which meant ice crystals forming on the car roof.

SWMBO and I nipped dwn to the Centre for a few minutes and I ended up in what some consider the torture chamber that is the opticians.

Two hours later I was the owner of 2 new pairs of glasses and a few quid lighter in the wallet.

We finally put the tree up, which is just as well as our daughter has told us she is coming round to put 'her' decoration on the tree and a phone call from No1 son this evening let us know that he and his girlfriend are coming up tomorrow (for 1 night) and he will want to put 'his' decoration on the tree too ..... a family tradition since they were about 3 years old.

Tomorrow could be all go.

Bad news unfortunately came from my sister-in-law ..... my brother-in-law got the results of his scan and the cancer has progressed. It is now in his bones and spine and affecting his vocal chords.
Treatment would only extend his life expectancy by 2-3 weeks and the side effects would probably negate any benifit.
So it is now down to how much of a fight he puts up and I fear it will not be much.
Hopefully I will be proved wrong

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