
By TrishaR

Still Lovin' It

It does the heart good to see this wee dog loving her life. I'm wondering if she thinks that from now on, the fun white stuff will always be here! She is so eager to get out in the snow that she can hardly wait for the door to open and she bursts out and runs round to the garden. Digs her nose in and snorts. Then runs round in circles playing with clumps of ice, like they are a ball.

This luinchtime, when I took this photo, it was minus 7, but sunny. Couldn't keep my gloves off for long as it was too nippy.

Tonight, only my eyes were showing as it was BALTIC! But Breagha did not care one bit. Charging up the hill, then tearing down it again, back up and leaping into mid air. It fair cheered me up to see her having so much fun in this cold and snowy December.

Keep warm!

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