
Great morning walk this morning with Juno, we had the golf course to ourselves watching the start of the lunar eclipse. On reaching the summit we were met by two very cold men with big cameras and tripods, they had been there for an hour to catch the eclipse. Further down we met another 2 men also chasing a lunar ecilpse.

It was a complete eclipse when a huge band of cloud cmae over and it was shrouded.

Juno chased and caught a rabbit, could not stand it possibly being ripped to shreds, so caught it by the neck and placed it in a gorse patch to escape from her.

Work was a harmony of happiness.

Morning spent in a departmental session, then back to some great programming of dynamically building batch jobs, I love it.

Stroll home with the accompanying crunching, 2 loonies driving through red lights today when I was crossing.

Eco mum has put up the puffins.

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