Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Sun going down

I love that snow absorbs the morning light to itself and casts blue shadows, but as the evening sun goes down it throws out shades of pinks. But my photos seem to contradict this rule.
I first heard and then spotted my local woodpecker this morning, but he's not been feeding on the nuts through this cold spell. Usually a couple of them empty the containers pretty quickly so, my deduction is, that someone else in the area also has a good supply of nuts. At the last cottage I lived in I had endless enjoyment watching parent feed the youngster.

At the moment the snow is not inhibiting travel to shops for supplies, although driving is at a slower pace.
I think with all this cold weather to contend with (even though today is the shortest day and the outlook therefore gets brighter) I don't want the Archers to be 'turned upside down' as well, why don't they just let me have some regular routines with predictable story lines so I can try to get on with my life in a normal way. Is there no security left in this world.

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