A Brisk Walk ...

I set the alarm for 5.00am this morning to see the Lunar Eclipse, it was well worth getting up for even though it didnt start until around 6.30ish here, it was spectacular to see. I decided not to upload any of the images as there are alot better ones already uploded than the ones I tookon my camera as there was to much light polution to use my telescope which was a shame.

As I was up and about after seeing the Lunar Eclipse I decided it was still nice and early so I went for a walk over the park, it was strange as the sky was clear in most places but in this area of the park it was a little misty in some places, I saw this man walking briskly along.

I decided to have a play around with Adobe when I got home to make the image look really wintery (even though it was minus 6) as the man looked so cold and the park looked so empty but as you can tell the man is quite clear to see as it wasnt anywhere near as misty yesterday, you wouldnt have been able to see the man yesterday at this hour, but I do like how he stands out so well and the bench compared to how the effect of the background turned out.

On this image I used over exposed and the opacity mask in Adobe to get the lightness and also when I took the photograph I focused on the light from a lamp to get it to look lighter in the first place when taking the image.

I quite like the effect it has given.

The park looked so beautiful this morning, but it didnt look as pretty as yesterday, it was amazing views all day where we live.

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