Play Day

14 months

We're having a playday today. Staying at home, having a Mummy and Katie day. Days like today make me realise how much katie has influenced my life. Before her, I hated stay-home days, I had to get out most of the day. And we do both like to be busy, but now, I love the time when she and I can just do nothing specific, just be together enjoying each other. It's often then we do the best things - the curling up for a cuddle, reading 20 books (or the same one 20 times), learning new songs or dancing to silly ones, lots of tickles and kisses

It was fortunate we did stay in as when we would normally have been out, Katie's main present from my parents was delivered, so it's a relief to have that here. All her presents are here, just a couple for friends, so that's not hopeful now for Christmas.

This evening, I really truly AM going to get on top of the present wrapping - probably. I have three to definitely wrap for tomorrow to be distributed. I hope to do either Katie's or all the family ones, then that'd be a good chunk sorted. I kind of only have tonight and tomorrow left as on Thursday we go away for Christmas break :) Just a little bit excited!!

Katie at 14 months

She can:
* Say chocolate, ready, Katie's, bauble, granny
* point to and say star
* drink from a straw
* spiral :-)
* bounce on the bed

She likes
* tomato and vegetable pasta bake
* flapjack
* aubergine with goats cheese
* touching the Christmas tree - and she's really gentle
* the twinkles - she bounces when I turn the tree lights on
* The book "Everybody Hide from Wibbly Pig"
* shape sorting - she has been able to a while, but wasn't bothered, she loves doing it now, hence the blip!
* putting the stickers on her advent string

She doesn't like
* that the pool is cold
* not being able to walk in deep snow
* there being too many people at toddlers, she goes shy

* Christmas party
* Proper go on a bouncy castle
* Visit to Father Christmas (yes, she cried)
* sledging
* time in the big pool
* appearance on a big screen!

PS - the one year ago today is possibly my favourite ever photo of little Katie

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