Worlds that dont belong

By Jonny

...the triad...

today's been an interesting day for me...there's been a great deal of thought today...more than in a long time...

I spent the morning working w/ an old co-worker and friend down at East Farm. We got on the topic of work, and how its slowly draining me mentally and physically. She put something towards me, a perspective I've never thought of before, and I don't quite know what to think...I've never thought of this seriously before...

I want to do something amazing with my life...I want to make a difference in a real way. I really want to help people...I do in my job in a very different way, a very superficial way...I support the corporate machine...I help people and never see a result...never see the faces of the people I help...know that at the end of the day I've done nothing to truly make a difference in something that matters.

The Triad A watch, A Cell, An iPod.
Three very common objects that we find daily.

A watch to keep us on time, to keep us following the rigors of society and the expectations we hold, and are held of us. It always moves forward reminding us of the progression of time.

Never will you see it remind you to slow down and enjoy every passing moment, for truly those are what matters.

The cell...what use to be an object seldom found has now become common place. It gets worse all the time, down-loadable content on demand, video, music, maps, email, the world is once again at our fingertips. How often do we have it attached to our hip, on our desk, next to our bed, in earshot all the time...never turned off...

Where can we find an escape from the technology that drives our existence...the nauseating desire to remain connected to the 'world'

An iPod...inherently innocent...larger and larger in size...color screen...high pixels throwing the daily downloaded content towards our senses. educational or questionable...content to progress or distort and corrupt the longer longer cd's...mass distributed to take it all with you...bigger is better...more power and longer'll never be without your 160GB's of content...

I long for a time where children gathered around the radio on evenings to catch their weekly show where death and suffering wasn't the focus...such a lost innocence

I'm reading more and more into what it will entail...and where it may lead me...I don't know what my life has in store for me...but maybe the peace corps might be the difference I'm looking for...maybe its not that...maybe moving far away from my life here will make that impact...I need to do something with my life that will make me happy at the end of the day...

I don't care if I'm poor and never make anything for myself, as long as I make a difference and I'm happy...I don't need this triad...take it from me and I'd be happy...I'm convinced that I could say F it all and go without...for once in my life maybe find something to be true, something that won't leave me feeling empty at the end of the day...

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