Me, Myself and Catherine

By cspeakman

Vets in the deep freeze

Two unusual things happened to me on my visits today - things one wouldn't normally consider when the temperature is warmer than -10C! Firstly my vaccines started to freeze when I removed them form my car refrigerator - the world feels turned on its head when the purpose of a refrigerator becomes to keep things warm. They turned to sludge as soon as I tried to draw them into syringes. I had to first warm the vaccines in my innermost pockets (yes, I wear a LOT of layers at this time of the year!) then keep both vial and syringe in my hands as I drew up, then into horse as fast as possible to make the situation workable! Sadly, wearing gloves was not an option and I was really suffering by the time I finished that visit. I then had to extract a tooth from a horse. this creates quite a bit of blood and mess. Usually this mess is farily easily cleaned up with a bit of water and disinfectant. However, the blood had frozen over all my equipment, and even using water from the kettle had only limited success, the metal tending to cool the liquid to freezing point before much cleaning had taken place. Then the dinsinfectant bubbles all over my equipment also froze. It was an odd effect. I'm afraid that's how they will stay until I get a chance to clean them someplace a little warmer! Stay safe everyone...

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