Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Sunrise on the loch

Because of the fantastic weather we have been having, my spirits are really boosted beyond understanding. I actually don't mind the rain, and as a keen gardener I appreciate it from time to time. However, what gets me down are the days upon endless days of driving rain; yes, it is NEVER vertical!

So, no apologies for another sunrise - I will take the opportunity of taking this kind of shot whenever I can.

What I don't quite understand is the 'halo' effect which has happened round the photo. I know that this kind of thing can be added with software, but I have not done it - honestly!! Maybe a blip expert can help; I certainly don't remember the shot looking like this in real life.

Anyway, 10 minutes to get ready and go out the door for the dance.

Hooch!! Na - that can't be the spelling, can it? You know the sound that we all make when ceilidh dancing????

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