Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Not Happy

So. As the title says, I'm not particularly happy today. It was -8C on the way to work this morning, I still don't feel full of the joys of the festive season and in 2.5hrs, I have to go and participate in Organised Fun.

I like fun, don't get me wrong. We all need fun and there's not enough of it about at the moment. What I don't like is feeling pressured into paying £24 for what I know will be sub-standard food, hurled at me by over-worked restaurant staff. I don't like being told that we have a 2 hour window in the restaurant before the conveyor-belt that is the Christmas Do money-making machine turfs us out to make way for the next batch of customers. I also don't like the fact that icy pavements mean I have to wear boots rather than my beloved KG heels.

And, H1 and I had been consoling ourselves in the knowledge that we were heading straight to the champagne bar after the Organised Fun, for a bit of random, fizz-filled fun with H2 and our friend Steve. However, H2 is snowed in in Devon and Steve has just rung to say that he can't make it either. Arse.

All of which, means you get a random blip of a bit of me, because my oomph has run out. Yes, I do have a full complement of eyes and yes, those who know me know I wear glasses but they intereferred with the shot.

You never know, I might feel more festive after a glass or two of fizz and post a picture of something more interesting.

Sorry. I know I shouldn't moan - at least I'm not stuck in an airport..

Edit: post "do" now and home (sooo rock n roll ;-) and it was good! Food was lovely and the fizz was bubbly. And H1 provided amusement with her many layers of clothing :-) Must say - fizz plus white wine and Tim Taylor's Landlord helps keep the cold at bay!

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