
By MallyC

Sunkissed alstroemeria

Took today for myself.

Went into the city centre to finish my christmas shopping. Ba humbug!!!!!! I do not easily deal with the push and shove of crowds. I much prefer to be alone-ish. At this time every year I become determined to do my christmas shopping during the coming year for next season. However each year I do not pay heed to my determination and so I supose the price I pay is having to deal with the masses.

Very hot day too which did not help the demeanor of the average shopper. I did take time out to see a movie in a cool theatre which I had all to myself so all was not as it felt by the time I got home.

This image taken in the front garden as the sun wassettling onto the horizon. A lovely light, albeit brief, at that time of the day.

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