Angel Wing

Fleeing Costco today...(LOL) I saw this oil on the wet asphalt. The colors were pretty and it looked much like an angel wing.

I have a dear friend named Angel. We have been friends since our kids were very young and so were we. I worked with her at the preschool for nearly 10 years. We have walked through a lot of life together. We don't see each other as much, but don't miss a beat when we reconnect.

She is a busy grandma and does many, many things for others. She is always one I could call, at any hour and she would be there! She gives of herself more than anyone I know, she is always ready with a hug and an encouraging word. I believe she has wings...Angel wings!!!

This is to you Ms. Angel, I love you are more like the sister someone to give you the straight-up and back it up with love!!! :)

Merry Christmas!

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