Northern Exposure

By Northern

Is it a football scarf?

We decided to do something different with the christmas cake this year. We thought that instead of the previous years daft icing sculptures of santas lost in the snow, dancing snowmen, igloos, avalanches and thousands of silver balls, we would forego the mountains of white icing (might be a reaction to the amount outside) and go for a sophisticated combination of glazed fruit and sugar sculpture.

Ha, fat chance.... it's the maddest cake yet!

All those clever cooks and tv personalities make it look SO easy. Took forever to even just get green icing and then once we were ready to roll it all took on a life of it's own and there was no way it was going to do what we wanted it to.

Still, at least it's all stuck onto the cake. It'll be a conversation piece and hopefully will taste great. Only problem is I now have fingers that look like they belong to the incredible hulk and the Hibs supporter in the house thinks it's a football themed cake.

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