Chris M

By chrism

A life on the . . .

These two intrepid sailors are preparing "The Dignity of Labour" for the spring.
This is a ferro-concrete boat that has been loving restored using mainly patience and ingenuity over the last 5 years.
There is certainly some dignity in their labour but I'm not sure that is true for most wage slaves.
We had a nice long chat, well not that long for Skye, and it was good to meet these people. I look forward to seeing the 'dignity of labour' in the water (if you see what I mean ;-)
I also saw ponies eating nonchalantly in a field on fire and some balloons in the middle of a wild bog bearing the legend "Merry Christmas let the good times roll - the old orleans restaurant and bar" No idea where that is but it aint within 200 miles of here. Still I got my feet good and wet getting the pic of the balloons and my coat covered in horse dribble. All in a blippers joyful day really.
The day WAS glorious.

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