Little Farty Pants
Baa Humbug, the snow! Whilst there was none here overnight, it did stop my No. 1 boy from getting home. He had another flight booked for today but that was quickly squashed. Given the forcast for London tomorrow, we are not sure he will make that either.
This morning my boy and I went shopping, he needed a bit of help with a present for his favourite girl - his sister. It was much more pleasant than most of our previous shopping trips, and I met an old friend and got a big hug and kiss. That's a cheery moment.
Once home I spent some time relaying information on the weather and flights to no. 1 boy so that we have a back up plan in place. If tomorrow fails we can hopefully get him home via Newcastle on Monday morning. I know he is miserable and grumpy. It's no fun being away all week and then not making it home. It's no fun being away with no pals - so I told him to go find some. To my surprise he then had lunch with another guy and two ladies, one American and one French Canadian, although he tells me they are more silver surfers than hot babes. So long as they keep each other calm I'm happy. But I have got my fingers and toes crossed - as have my babes.
I have been lost all day - silly really. I did wander down to the allotment. No chance of digging out anything and most things are very sad looking. My plans of home grown tatties, parsnips and brussel sprouts on Christmas Day may not come to fruision. Here is a perfectly formed, but tiny little sprout which is completely frozen.
Most days my girl and I sit and check out blipping possibilities, most days I dither between this or that and most days she knows exactly which one I will choose. That is why she is such a Little Farty Pants!
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