Lost Between Worlds

By PaganParent

Seeing red...^_^

For a long time, many years, I have dyed my hair red.

It is, ironically, a habit I picked up from my mother.

We both look better with deep auburn hair. Must be our green eyes.

A few years ago, I started to let it grow out, my natural near black hair coming back in. I even dyed the remaining ends as to keep myself somewhat even colored as I let my hair heal after years of abuse.

Last night I felt it was time to go back to the look I am most comfortable in.

This morning, as I knelt with my head over the tub, detachable shower head in hand, I prayed I remembered how to self-color correctly.

I do not think I did a bad job, at all! I am feeling good about this change.

What do you think!?

Here are a few points of reference:

Nighttime at the Buffet

Where'd I Go? Part 2: The Daring Reveal

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