Möbius Miss

By WifeOfRiley

Every which way...

...and loose

Today was the last day of school. The last half day of term always marks the start Christmas-proper in our house. The tree goes up, we have festive tunes blasting out and usually bake or make. This afternoon the kids and their dad made a 'lucky dip' snowman (more on that soon).

Most people have really pretty colour co-ordinated tree with pretty ordered decoration. Not us. We have EVERYTHING on there, and more. I usually try to swap a few decs about and make it look more like someone loves it but this year they did do a really good job- its just all colours all textures. But then, the magic of Christmas is theirs to enjoy. So for now at least we have a tree with everything, every which way, and loose (<<<the tinsel and beads dangling assymetrically). 

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